Turning Your Business into a Brand

The concept of branding is not something that popularized only recently. It’s been existent for decades, if not centuries. However, even today many businesses don’t realize its true significance, let along try to create one of their own. So, before you learn about some of the best ways to turn your business into a strong brand,…

How to Register Patent in the UAE

Creating something unique, whether a new technique or a novel product, is always the first phase in the development of a business and the launch of a new opportunity for an individual or a team. Each country is responsible for the registration of patents within its territory. Patent registration in the United Arab Emirates is…

Choosing a Sponsor for Your Business

Foreign companies aiming to set up a business in Dubai Mainland need to find local sponsors for licensing requirements. Local sponsorship is mandatory by law for the establishment of a company in Dubai Mainland. You can start a business in Dubai Mainland either through individual sponsorship or corporate sponsorship. The type of sponsorship you require…