How to Apply for US Visa

How to Apply for American Visa in UAE

Dubai has slowly established itself as not only a vacation spot but also a business hub; from countless investors pouring money into the developing sector, Dubai has become a landmark for all the investors across the globe. This is backed by the rapid increase in investors in the UAE and the government altering its policies…

Trademark Registration in the UAE

How to Register Trademark in the UAE

Since the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become a business hub. There is plenty of guidance regarding how to set up your business in the UAE, deciding the legal structure of your company, applying for a relevant trade license and business permits. However, one element which has often been overlooked is how to protect your…

visit visa renewal uae

Guide to Extend Visit Visa in UAE

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Dubai is perhaps one of the most traveled destinations for people on vacations. There is no denying that Dubai has reinvented itself as the go-to place in the last decade and hosts visitors from all over the globe. Getting a UAE visa has become very easy in recent times…

Virtual Office vs Flexi Desk UAE

Flexi Desk vs. Virtual Office

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has managed to establish itself as one of the biggest investment hubs in the entire world. Efforts to bring in foreign investment have yielded a lot of changes in the UAE policies which have benefited the investors. There are various free zones which specialize in different field or categories and…