Food Delivery Service Dubai

How to Start a Food Delivery Service in Dubai?

The food and beverage industry in the United Arab Emirates is massive, and it is only projected to expand. According to recent estimates, the industry is worth about AED 142 billion, with development expected to reach AED 145 billion by the end of 2021. Year after year, an increasing number of restaurants and fast-food franchises…

Certificate of Origin UAE

A Guide on Certificate of Origin in the UAE

A Certificate of Origin (CO) is often required by the importing country when engaging in foreign trade as an exporter. The Certificate of Origin shall certify and declare the countries involved in the production or manufacturing process of the products included in the export delivery. Importing countries rely on Certificates of Origin to determine the…

Transform Business Digitally

How to Successfully Transform your Business Digitally?

A talking point that has been highly popular over time is Digital Transformation. Let’s just take a step back and answer the most basic question, “What does digital transformation actually mean for your company”, in the middle of all the global white noise around businesses spending substantial time, efforts, and money in digital transformation? While…

UAE Citizenship for Expats

UAE Citizenship for Expats: Who Can Apply and How

According to a report by an Arabian media group, the United Arab Emirates is set to amend its laws regulating citizenship to enable ex-pats to obtain Emirati nationality as long as they follow certain requirements. The UAE government acknowledged the change to the legislation on citizenship. Two other changes to the Citizenship Act of the…