How to do Business Online

How to do Business Online in Just 9 Steps

In many ways, the Internet has levelled the playing field for small business owners everywhere. Online businesses are relatively easy to start, without the kind of up-front costs a brick and mortar business demands. However, this relative ease doesn’t mean that you can jump in and hang out your shingle. Today, the e-commerce sector is…

How to Sell Products Online in the UAE

How to Sell Products Online in the UAE

E-Commerce seems to be the buzzword of the present in the UAE, as companies transfer their operations online and individuals set up new businesses to market products online as a direct effect of Covid-19. In March 2020, the Khaleej Times published that the UAE’s e-commerce sector is expected to be worth almost AED 100 billion…

Personal Training Business in Dubai

Starting a Personal Training Business in Dubai

Health, fitness and wellbeing is indeed a huge business. As per the latest projections, by the end of 2021, the global demand for exercise equipment itself is expected to be worth AED 45 billion. Apart from the increase of equipment, applications and wearable devices, the need for a personal trainer is one of the major…

Financial Statement Accuracy

How to Make Sure Your Financial Statement is Accurate?

The company’s financial statements normally contain the statement of income, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flow. The statement of income summarises income, expenditures, and earnings for the reporting period. The balance sheet reports the assets, liabilities, and equity of the lenders, and the cash flow statement summarises the cash inflows and outflows.…