Dubai Internet City – Hub of IT in UAE

Dubai Internet City – Hub of IT in UAE

The idea of a knowledge-based economy mainly emerged in UAE after the oil crisis in 2014. But it is not a new concept as far as the emirate of Dubai is concerned. The most modern emirate of UAE was already focused on building a foundation of its economy on knowledge and modern technology for the…

Dubai Academic City – Knowledge House of UAE

Dubai Academic City – Knowledge House Of UAE

It is an established fact that knowledge and education play most important role in the progress of any country. If a country wants to achieve maximum prosperity and happiness, then the key is the progress in right type of education. Dubai is behind other developed western countries in latest educational fields. But the rulers of…

Dubai South – The Future Of Dubai

Dubai South – The Future Of Dubai

An important reason that the business opportunities and tourist attractions in Dubai are continuously increasing instead of diminishing, is the steps taken by the administration of the emirate to start new projects from time to time. The emirate of Dubai and the UAE is hoping a lot from the upcoming Expo 2020 in Dubai. For…