Banking Requirements in Dubai

Banking Requirements In Dubai

Dubai is one of few those cities in the world with high diversification in population. People from all around the world are residing in Dubai. Most of these people are entrepreneurs and investors that are in Dubai to take advantage of the tax free business economy of the emirate. Apart from that, large numbers of…

Open a Business Centre in UAE

How To Open A Business Centre In UAE

The prospects of growth of businesses are continuously increasing in UAE. It is the reason that every big and small entrepreneur wants to grab his/her share in this lucrative market of the most business-friendly country in GCC. The govt. of Dubai is providing all the necessary incentives for the whole business community to establish and…

Pay VAT Dubai

Who Will Pay VAT In Dubai

There is lot of discussion and searching for information regarding VAT (value added tax) in Dubai and among people intending to start business in the country as the tax will be implemented from 1st of January 2018. Both residents and entrepreneurs are somewhat worried about the effect of VAT on their everyday lives and businesses…

Rising Food Truck Trend in Dubai

The Rising Food Truck Trend In Dubai

Dubai is a hub of businesses related to food and beverages. The demand for both large and small food-related businesses is increasing with the passage of time due to continuous influx of expat population and tourists from all parts of the world. After the popularity of hotels, restaurants and catering businesses, now Dubai has become…