Invest Healthcare Sector UAE

Why To Invest In The Healthcare Sector In UAE

The United Arab Emirates is commonly known for high rise buildings, business opportunities, a large presence of expats and arrival of a large number of tourists. The government is trying its level best to provide best facilities to its citizens, expats, and tourists in the country. One such example is the growth of medical and…

Setting Up ISO Certified Company Dubai

Setting Up An ISO Certified Company In Dubai

International Organization for Standardization is an international body that sets international standards (accreditation) for commerce and industries. Accreditation is an official recognition of the proficiency, competency, and trustworthiness of a company. This international body currently works in more than 160 countries. As we all know that Dubai is an international city and a business hub.…

UAE Excise Tax on Tobacco and Energy Drinks

UAE Implements Sin Tax On Tobacco & Drinks

United Arab Emirate has imposed a ‘sin tax’ on tobacco, energy drinks and carbonated drinks. This tax has been implemented in UAE from 1st October 2017. After its implementation, the prices of tobacco and energy drinks will be increased by 100% while the price of soft drinks will increase by 50%. Sin tax is in…