Travel & Hospitality Sector Steady Despite VAT

Travel & Hospitality Sector Remains Steady Despite VAT

The 2nd quarter after implementation of value added tax (VAT) is underway and the authorities and experts are closely examining impacts of this newly-implemented tax on various sectors. Previously, this tax was also reviewed on few important sectors that were facing negative effects after VAT. One such example is the reversal of VAT on gold…

AI add $182b UAE economy in future

AI Will Add $182b In UAE Economy In Future

The government of UAE is moving rapidly towards a completely change in direction of its economy. The wise rulers of the country are certainly aware that they can only progress in this modern world by using education and technology to its greatest extant. Due to this, the focus is completely on altering the focus of…

FTA Procedure For UAE Nationals Refund VAT

FTA Announces Procedure For UAE Nationals To Refund VAT

Value added tax (VAT) in UAE is covering most of the sectors in the country. But there are also few exceptions from this newly implemented tax. One such area is the residential homes. Recently, the FTA (Federal Tax Authority) has announced the procedure for UAE nationals through which they can refund VAT for newly constructed…