Surpass growth in tourism sector

UAE To Surpass Global Growth In Tourism Sector

UAE is continuously driving its efforts to diversify its economy in order to reduce the effects of oil crisis. Fortunately, few emirates (especially Dubai) had already developed several other sectors even before the emergence of 2014 oil crash. One such example is the travel and tourism industry. Apart from building beautiful and unique structures, UAE…

UAE New Work Permit Rules

UAE Implements New Work Permit Rules

A new fee structure for work permit has been enforced today in UAE by the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation (MOHRE) after its approval by cabinet recently. According to new regulations, the companies will now be divided in three categories according to cultural diversity and the skill level of their workers. According to details,…

UAE retains living standard

UAE Retains Best Living Standard In The Arab World

According to a latest report by the Legatum Institute (a UAE based private investment firm), UAE has retained its position as the most prosperous country in the whole Arab world while the living standard of people of UAE in the last decade has improved more than any other country in the world. As a result,…

UAE Rejects VAT Delay

UAE Rejects VAT Delay Request

The government of UAE is determined for the implementation of value added tax (VAT) on due date (1st January 2018) and it is evident from the latest incident in which a plea from an influential businessman and head of a federation was rejected by the government. Just few days ago, chairman of the UAE Banks…

VAT Imposed Few Private Universities

VAT To Be Imposed On Few UAE Private Universities

Just one month is now left in the implementation of value added tax (VAT) in UAE but the things aren’t completely cleared yet. There are still several speculations going on about the products and services that will come under the previously announced and soon to be implemented tax even after the signing of the VAT…

Signs Vat Executive Order

Dubai Ruler Signs Vat Executive Order

The time for implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) is approaching in UAE and now the ruler of Dubai (who is also PM and vice president of UAE), Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has signed Executive Regulation on VAT. According to this regulation, 5% VAT will be imposed from 1st of January 2017 on…