How To Market With Bill Board Advertisement In Dubai

How To Market With Bill Board Advertisement In Dubai

Every businessman is aware of the fact that a new business needs an aggressive marketing campaign to make its place among already established businesses. The marketing technique should not only be directed towards engaging most number of customers but it must also be cost effective according to the expenses manageable by any new corporation. Marketing…

Types of Visas Available in Dubai

Types Of Visas Available In Dubai

Dubai is hub of business, tourism and job opportunities in UAE and across the MENA region (Middle East & North Africa). Every year, thousands of people from all around the world visit Dubai for various purposes. Many are looking for business and job opportunities in Dubai while others want to see the beauties and avail…

Company Obtains Cryptocurrencies License In Dubai

First Company Obtains Cryptocurrencies License In Dubai

The concept of cryptocurrency is not new. They are in the international market since past two decades. But it gained popularity few years ago in 2009 after the introduction of bitcoin, world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency. This cryptocurrency even reached the level of around 12,000 USD. Few other cryptocurrencies are also quite popular including Ethereum, Ripple…

Guideline For Maid Visa In Dubai

Guideline For Maid Visa In Dubai

Dubai provides best business and job opportunities to foreigners around the world. It is the reason that 87% population of Dubai is composed of foreigners which is highest in the world. These expats are living in Dubai to avail the opportunities they have in one of the most business and job friendly cities in the…

Signs Vat Executive Order

Dubai Ruler Signs Vat Executive Order

The time for implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) is approaching in UAE and now the ruler of Dubai (who is also PM and vice president of UAE), Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has signed Executive Regulation on VAT. According to this regulation, 5% VAT will be imposed from 1st of January 2017 on…