Dry fruit registration in Dubai

Dry Fruit Registration In Dubai

Fresh fruits are full of nutrition. But due to large amount of water, they can spoil quickly and easily. In order to retain their availability for longer periods, several of these fruits are dried. The removal of water makes them less susceptible for various microorganisms and increases their shelf life. In Dubai, local and expat…

Dubai Free Zone Visa – Rules and Regulations

Dubai Free Zone Visa – Rules And Regulations

Free zone areas in the UAE provide several exclusive advantages to SMEs, large corporations and professionals alike. These free trade zones are completely (or mostly) free from all types of taxes and provide 100% ownership to foreign company owners. This makes these areas suitable for all types of businesses especially those that are dealing with…

How to Trademark a Business Name in Dubai

How To Trademark A Business Name In Dubai?

The benefits of setting up a business in Dubai are well accepted among entrepreneurs and investors around the globe. Thousands of large and small businesses are performing well already in Dubai and their numbers are constantly increasing with every passing year. The government of Dubai is not only providing best facilities for these businesses to…

Setup pharmaceutical company Dubai

How To Setup Pharmaceutical Company In Dubai

Dubai has excelled in the field of medicine and surgery in past few years. The standard of medical equipment and procedure has increased enormously in recent years that proved beneficial from health and financial point of view. Medicine and other facilities are available of highest quality but at a reasonable cost. This not only improved…