UAE free zone residence visa

How To Get UAE Free Zone Residence Visa

More than 45 free zones across UAE are providing immense business opportunities for traders and entrepreneurs from all around the globe. These free zones have their own advantages (and limitations) that set them apart from businesses in mainland UAE. 100% business ownership for foreigners, complete repatriation of profits, mostly zero tax (at least 23 free…

Main challenges face businesses uae

Main Challenges Face By Businesses In UAE

UAE is undoubtedly one of the world’s best countries for all types of trades and businesses. It has done so by providing best facilities and incentives to entrepreneurs from all parts of world. Individual businesses and companies can be established in mainland areas as well as several free zones in the country. It is the…

Taxes affecting businesses uae

Are New Taxes Affecting Businesses In UAE

UAE and other Gulf countries enjoyed the benefits of oil and petroleum export for decades. They used this advantage to provide high lifestyle to their citizens and residents at very low cost and also provided tax free incentives to businesses. This resulted in the growth of commercial activities and arrival of large number of investors…

UAE celebrate independence day 2018 differently

UAE To Celebrate Independence Day 2018 Differently

Independence Day is the most important day for any country. Nations celebrate this day with special events to commemorate efforts and sacrifices of their forefathers in order to inculcate national unity and love of the land among its citizens. The same thing happens in UAE as well. Every year, 2nd of December is celebrated as…

Sponsor your family in UAE

How To Sponsor Your Family In UAE

UAE is an attractive place for foreigners from around the globe. Not only millions of tourists visit UAE every year, but many are living as expats in different parts of the country. It is mainly due to the business and job opportunities available in Dubai and other parts of UAE. Apart from that, UAE is…