UAE New Work Permit Rules

UAE Implements New Work Permit Rules

A new fee structure for work permit has been enforced today in UAE by the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation (MOHRE) after its approval by cabinet recently. According to new regulations, the companies will now be divided in three categories according to cultural diversity and the skill level of their workers. According to details,…

UAE retains living standard

UAE Retains Best Living Standard In The Arab World

According to a latest report by the Legatum Institute (a UAE based private investment firm), UAE has retained its position as the most prosperous country in the whole Arab world while the living standard of people of UAE in the last decade has improved more than any other country in the world. As a result,…

Registration Opens For Tax Agents

Registration Opens For Tax Agents In UAE

The preparations for upcoming Value Added Tax (VAT) are underway in UAE and now in a latest move, the government has started registration for tax agents and tax accounting software vendors. According to details, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has opened registration for tax agents and tax accounting software vendors. Minimum three years of experience…

Effects of VAT on various sectors

Effects Of VAT On Various Sectors In UAE

Value Added Tax (VAT) is the hottest topic in UAE nowadays. Businessmen, salaried persons and common people all are wondering about the impact on their lives after implementation of VAT. UAE and Saudi Arabia are two countries that have announced to implement VAT on various goods and services from 1st of January 2018 while other…

Apple lunches Apple pay UAE

Apple Inc launches Apple Pay in UAE

On 24th October 2017, famous American technology company Apple Inc. launches its digital wallet service, Apple Pay, in 4 countries including UAE. After this launch, UAE became the first country in the Middle East, North Africa and West Asia region to receive the service. It clearly highlights the business opportunities available in UAE that invites…